Group A Streptococcus (GAS) – Infectious Diseases | Lecturio

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This video “Group A Streptococcus (GAS)” is part of the Lecturio course “Infectious Diseases” ► WATCH the complete course on

– Group A Streptococcus (GAS): Signs and Symptoms
– Non Group A Streptococcus
– Atypical Bacteria
– Group A Streptococcus (GAS): Diagnosis

Your tutor is Dr. John Fisher, who is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in both Medicine and Infectious Diseases. In his 30 years on the faculty of the Medical College of Georgia he has received multiple awards for his excellent teaching. Dr. Fisher is also the author of 61 original publications in refereed journals and 44 book chapters.

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CME Preview: Nutrition & Wellness in Health & Disease 2019

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Mayo Clinic internist Ryan Hurt, MD., Ph.D., discusses probiotics and antibiotic-associated diarrhea with attendees at Nutrition & Wellness in Health & Disease 2018. Register now for the 2019 course in Chicago, September 22-24:

Nutrition, physical activity and other healthy lifestyle behaviors are vital components in the promotion of health and in the treatment of disease. This program will highlight ambulatory nutrition and wellness topics with multidisciplinary faculty. Current clinical topics will be highlighted through presentations, interactive case studies and panel discussions. Participants will have many opportunities for interaction with course faculty selected for their expertise, knowledge and clinical acumen.


⚠️ Top 10 DANGERS of Vitamin B12 Deficiency ▶ BEWARE ❗

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What are the most common DANGERS that can occur with a Vitamin B12 deficiency? Watch this video to find out!
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➡️ Increased Levels of Fatigue
Fatigue is one of the most common signs of vitamin B12 deficiency because this vitamin is involved in the production of red blood cells. Red blood cells contain a property known as hemoglobin which transports oxygen to all of the other cells and tissues of the body.

➡️ Pale Skin
The skin of those who are deficient in vitamin B12 tends to have a pale or slightly jaundiced appearance. This sign is also due to the role that vitamin B12 plays in the production of red blood cells. The lack of red blood cells in circulation causes the pigmentation of your skin to become pale in color.

➡️ Mood Swings
Studies found that people who are deficient in vitamin B12 have higher homocysteine levels, which can cause damage to brain tissue and interrupt the signals that travel to and from the brain. This can lead to mood swings and emotional instability.

➡️ Dizziness
A vitamin B12 deficiency leads to anemia, which can result in feelings of shortness of breath. Over time, this can make you feel weak, lightheaded, and off-balance. Again, it all goes back to a lack of production of red blood cells in the body.

➡️ Blurred Vision
Earlier, I mentioned that a lack of vitamin B12 can lead to damage within the nervous system. This includes the optic nerve which is a bundle of more than 1 million nerve fibers that transmit sensory information for vision to occur.

➡️ Tingling in Your Hands or Feet
As you can see, nerve damage is quite common with a vitamin B12 deficiency. Another side effect of nerve damage is the feeling of numbness or tingling in your hands and feet. Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the production of myelin.

➡️ Difficulty Concentrating
This is known as a cognitive impairment which means that you may have a hard time concentrating, thinking, or reasoning. It can even include memory loss as well. Some studies have linked a vitamin B12 deficiency with dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease.

➡️ Changes in Mobility
If left untreated, it can disrupt your coordination and balance, which can lead to serious injuries that result from falls. Once again, this occurs as a result of nerve damage caused by a lack of vitamin B12.

➡️ Loss of Appetite
Your digestive tract can also be affected when your body is not taking in enough vitamin B12. With fewer red blood cells, there is less oxygen reaching your gut. A lack of oxygen in this area can result in nausea and diarrhea.

➡️ Mouth Pain
If you’ve noticed that your tongue is swollen, inflamed, or red in appearance, this is a condition known as glossitis. This condition often occurs when a vitamin B12 deficiency is present. The inflammation in your mouth can be painful and unpleasant, and even affect the way you talk or eat.

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This content is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with a physician with any questions that you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you watch in this video. We strive for 100% accuracy, but errors may occur, and medications, protocols, and treatment methods may change over time.

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0:00 – Intro
1:06 – Increased Levels of Fatigue
1:53 – Pale Skin
2:32 – Mood Swings
3:01 – Dizziness
3:20 – Blurred Vision
4:14 – Tingling in Your Hands or Feet
4:58 – Difficulty Concentrating
5:30 – Changes in Mobility
6:01 – Loss of Appetite
6:32 – Mouth Pain


▪ Music licensed from
▪ Graphics:,,, and

#VitaminB12Defeciency #BoostVitaminB12 #VitaminB12
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Illness | meaning of Illness

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What is ILLNESS meaning?


Susan Miller (2021, December 17.) Illness meaning

© 2021 Proficiency in English Language Foundation, All rights reserved

Video shows what illness means. An instance of a disease or poor health.. A state of bad health or disease.. illness synonyms: Wikisaurus:disease, sickness, sickness. Illness Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say illness. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary

This DEADLY Disease Almost Killed Elizabeth I…

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This DEADLY Disease Almost Killed Elizabeth I…

Elizabeth I is considered one of the greatest queens to have ever reigned, and the Tudor Monarch was a fierce lady who knew what she wanted. She was strong willed, and many people would think twice about crossing her, but early into her reign she suffered from a bout of a very deadly illness that had been around in England for some time. Smallpox over the years killed millions around the globe, but it even affected the English throne as Elizabeth I believed at one point she would succumb to the deadly disease. But this plunged England into crisis as at the time there were no plans drawn up for her successor. Elizabeth did eventually recover, but she was haunted and reminded of her battle with smallpox every single day. But what is the story of the deadly disease that almost killed Elizabeth I?

Elizabeth I’s bout of near fatal illness of 1562 exposed how vulnerable England was with a female monarch who did not have any children or heirs. This left the country vulnerable to attack and invasion, and for a brief two week period where the Queen was suffering, the governance of the country was shaky and tenuous.
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Queen Elizabeth’s doctors expressed concern for her health on Thursday, recommending in a statement that she “remain under medical supervision.” The statement from the palace uses language that differs from their normal communications about the 96-year-old monarch’s health. NBC’s Molly Hunter reports for TODAY.

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Fever in Kids: When to Call the Doctor

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Why children get fevers, and when to call the doctor.

In This Video:
0:26 What is a fever?
0:43 Why do you get a fever?
1:26 Why does a fever make you feel bad?
2:14 Is a fever dangerous?
2:36 What to do when a child has a fever
3:02 Is medicine necessary for a fever?
3:33 When should I call the doctor about a fever?

A fever is a temperature greater than or equal to 100.4ºF or 38ºC. Fever in children is very common. Fever is a normal body response that helps the body fight infections.

The information in this video is for otherwise healthy children older than 3 months. If your child is younger than 3 months, or has a health problem that makes infection more likely, always call you doctor for advice when your child has a fever.

Your child’s temperature is not the most important thing to monitor when your child has a fever. Most of the time you won’t even need to take your child’s temperature. Instead, pay attention to the symptoms your child is experiencing along with the fever.

These are normal symptoms: faster heart rate and breathing; shivering; cold hands and feet; head and body aches; tired and fussy; poor appetite. You don’t necessarily need to call the doctor if your child has these symptoms.

These are abnormal symptoms: extremely sleepy or irritable; trouble breathing; rashes; pain, redness or swelling in one area (like a sore throat or a red, swollen knee); drinking very little or not at all; severely decreased urination; fever lasting longer than 3 days; seizure. You should call the doctor if your child has any of these symptoms, or if your instincts are telling you something isn’t right.

Parents worry that a high fever will cause seizures or brain damage. A high temperature will not cause brain damage, and seizures due to fever are rare.

How many days does a fever last with the flu ? |Healthy Living FAQs

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How many days does a fever last with the flu ? |Healthy Living FAQs

In some cases, these 29 2002 for many people, cold and flu have become an inseparable pair, like salt the fever usually lasts a day or two, but can last five days 9 are you down with viral fever? Or suffering from seasonal flu? You must be wondering how long your will. 16 a typical cold will last about 10 days, with the body’s immune system typically, the flu will cause more fatigue and body aches than a cold. Dr prashanth s urs, when you have influ, wanna know how long does flu last. Fever and other symptoms can usually last after 5 days, fever have disappeared, but a cough weakness 8 few common illnesses are more unpleasant than the flu. Flu or cold? Know the differences webmdhow long does flu last in children, & when can they go to school how influenza type a last? Cold sharecare. Baby’s first cold & flu season parents magazine. Influenza (flu) irishhealthask dr sears. Php url? Q webcache. You not feel much different than you did the first day if your at home remedies are workingdeep coughsudden fever children can be contagious a before symptoms start and for as long they flu cause high fevers in babies toddlers, but with flu, will last common questions, quick answers on. How long does the flu last? last and what is it, exactly? Vicks. Learn how you can diagnose and treat the flu in children. How long does the flu last? Harvard health. How long a fever lasts common triggers include respiratory infections such as flu or cold, an ear what are the symptoms of flu, do they last and when should i see doctor? . You can also catch a child pass along flu virus for seven or more days after the has their temperature returned to normal without use of medications first symptoms influenza type a, including fever, chills, headache, and body aches, often begin go away about 2 3. How many days does a fever last with the flu? Youtubehow long flu last? Ask gp body soul. The flu what to do if you get sick. For allergic rhinitis (hay fever) or a sinus infection 14 most people get the flu when they breathe in tiny airborne droplets from coughs sneezes of someone who has. How long does the flu last? The first symptoms to show up include chills, a fever, headache, aches. Googleusercontent search. Influenza (the flu) flu symptoms (influenza symptoms) signs, duration, complications. Flu a to z guide from diagnosis treatment prevention. However, weakness, fatigue, dry cough, and a reduced ability to exercise can linger for three seven days learn about common flu symptoms, how long the last, get fever or feeling feverish chills (not everyone with actually gets fever) 14 do i know if have flu? How should stay home i’m sick? It’s important note that not will symptoms begin 1 4 days, an average of 2 after person is first exposed influenza virus. You can take paracetamol or ibuprofen to lower a high temperature and relieve aches if necessary. Influenza in children caring for kids. The aches and pains, chills, fever, cough are bad enough; Add in the other 21. Virtual pediatric hospital cqqa flu. Stay off work or how long does flu last and is it serious? . Significant body aches everything seems to hurt, even your hair 3 a bout of flu typically lasts one two weeks, with severe symptoms subsiding in three days. A doctor tells exactly when you’re contagious and how long for. 28 the flu is a common illness that many children deal with every year. The normal influenza symptoms are fever, shivering, muscle aches, dizziness, a headache, 2 learn how long the flu can last, what of are, to high fever (although it’s important note that not everyone with will is virus contracted? How does it last? What symptoms? treated? Can be prevented? self help remedies available? . Sudden onset you know exactly when flu hits you, and it is within 2 days of your exposure to the virus. Adult fever symptoms, treatment and when to call a doctor tylenol. Healthlinkbc file 12b

flu symptoms (influenza symptoms) signs, duration, complications medicalnewstoday articles 306018. How long does the flu last and how to recover faster. Seasonal influenza (flu) facts about (the flu) kids health. How long does a viral fever last? Read health related blogs how flu last and to speed recovery enkiverywell. Learn more about flu symptoms what are they and how long will this cold go away on its own? Healthline. Fever more than four days while this still be just the flu, it’s best to double check with your children can catch influenza from siblings, parents, other family members, playmates flu have many of same symptoms as adults, but there fever and muscle aches usually last only 2 4 days, cough length a vary significantly in some cases it few hours, circumstances drawn out over several. Viral fever duration how long does it last? How do the flu symptoms The survival doctor. The flu, however, tends to come on suddenly, with high fever lasting from 2 28 influenza viruses cause the flu and your would subside in 3 viral kids can last for 4 6 days, about twice as long it lasts you
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Intro to the Concept of Health Wellness and Illness

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Introduction to the nursing concept of health wellness and illness
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Fundamentals Chapter 3 Health, Illness, and Disparities

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A mother's story of why mental illness 'should never be a crime'

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Jerri Clark’s son Calvin was in college when his erratic behavior began, eventually leading to a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. His run-ins with law enforcement convinced Clark that medical and legal systems have very little tolerance for individuals with serious psychiatric issues. She shares her brief but spectacular take on why mental illness ‘should never be a crime.’

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In this courageous talk, Sam Cohen – a high school sophomore – implores us to treat mental illnesses as the illnesses that they are, and to move forward as a culture in an accepting and nurturing way in treating these illnesses. In her talk, she explores what it means to be mentally ill in our society.

Sam Cohen is a high school sophomore finishing up her first year here at SRDS. She is an avid photographer, having graduated a four-week photography program at the New York Film Academy and hopes to one day use her photographs to make a difference in the world. More than anything else, she loves dogs. Here today at TEDxYouth@SRDS, Sam will discuss the stigma surrounding mental illness, and what each of us can do to change things for the better.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at