Vitamin B Deficiency: Symptoms, Causes, Sources, Treatment || Vitamin B Rich Foods || Practo
joint September 15th. 2021, 3:27am
What are the benefits of Vitamin B? What are the symptoms of Vitamin B deficiency? What are Vitamin B rich foods? Are there any easy sources of Vitamin B complex? What are the types of Vitamin B? Who is prone to Vitamin B deficiency? Dr Rajesh Bhardwaj, a senior ENT specialist, tells us all about Vitamin B and its supplementation.
Video Breakdown:
0:33 What is Vitamin B
0:55 Importance of Vitamin B
1:45 Vitamin B Deficiency
2:16 Prone to Vitamin B Deficiency
2:34 Sources of Vitamin B
3:10 Vitamin B Supplementation
#vitaminbsources #vitaminbdeficiency #vitaminbcomplex
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Video Transcript:
Sometimes, certain people may be deficient in Vitamin B. There are some signs that are
indicative of a deficiency of Vitamin B complex. A simple blood test is done to determine your
serum B complex levels and that will tell you whether you are deficient and if you're deficient
you can take supplementation!
Understanding Vitamin B
Vitamin B Complex is a large group of vitamins – Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12.
They are also called by their individual names Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid,
Pyridoxine, Biotin, Folic Acid and Cobalamin.
Importance of Vitamin B
They are all important for bodily functions. They are the building blocks of the human body and
are critical for the human body function. They are responsible for cellular metabolism,
maintaining mental activities and energy levels. Vitamin B complex helps build up red blood
cells or hemoglobin, enables us to have good vision, maintains good cellular function, and are
responsible for neural and muscular functions. They create and help us to have a good appetite.
They are responsible for heart function. Very importantly, pregnant women need a sufficient
amount of Vitamin B Complex for the fetus to develop well, without defects.
Signs of deficiency
These are skin rashes, cracks around the mouth like dryness and cracking scaly lesions on the
lips, swollen tongue, fatigue, weakness, anaemia, irritability or depression, sometimes mental
confusion, Nausea, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. These are some of the common
symptoms of vitamin B complex deficiency.
People who are prone to Vitamin B deficiency
People who are more at risk of developing vitamin B complex deficiency are those who have
celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, chronic alcohol users and sometimes, people with rheumatoid
arthritis and Crohn's disease and HIV. People with these diseases may not be able to absorb
enough vitamin B complex from the intestine and they suffer from deficiencies.
Sources of Vitamin B
Vitamin B12 is readily available to us in a variety of food forms from milk, cheese, eggs and
meat. It is also available to us in green leafy vegetables like spinach. You can also get it from
cereals like wheat germ. It is readily available in nutritional yeast, nuts and seeds, which have
plenty of vitamin B complex. Also, fruits such as citrus fruits, banana and watermelon contain
good quantities of Vitamin B complex.
Do we need vitamin B complex supplementation?
As we have seen most of us get it from our daily food and we do not need supplementation.
There are certain situations where you might need to supplement particularly those who suffer
from chronic alcoholism. Additionally, pregnant ladies may need extra folic acid so that they can
have healthy babies. Those who eat a purely vegetarian diet can sometimes be nutritionally
deficient and sometimes they may be deficient in Vitamin B.
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