Coronavirus Symptoms vs Flu & Fever Symptoms || Types & Causes of Fever || Practo
health September 18th. 2021, 1:42am
It is easy to confuse the symptoms of Coronavirus infection with Fever and Flu. Some of the common symptoms include fever, dry cough, sore throat, breathing difficulty and runny nose. Dr S M Fayaz, an acclaimed General Physician with over 9 years of experience, helps us understand the difference between the Fever, Flu and Coronavirus Fever Symptoms. He answers some important questions like how to know if it is normal flu or Coronavirus fever, is fever a mandatory symptom of Coronavirus, what is the nature of fever during Coronavirus infection and what are the types of fever.
Video breakdown:
0:16 – What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
0:45 – What are the symptoms of a flu?
0:55 – I have a prolonged fever, what could it be?
1:25 – What causes fever? What are the types of fever: Bacterial, Fungal, Viral or Parasitic?
2:14 – How can I prevent a fever?
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Video Transcript:
Patients come to us with flu symptoms and most of them have a panic situation that they have acquired COVID-19 disease. See, COVID-19 generally has a high grade of fever, point number 1
Point number 2, they have sore throat. One more thing is, they present with dry cough
And patients start to have difficulty in breathing
The fever is not subsiding even after three days
And the patient continues to have breathing difficulties
The definitely he has to consult a local physician
In normal flu, fever is generally in milder form
They have simple sore throat which subsides in three days on its own
Fever is a very simple term, but it has so much in it
There are fevers that do not have flu as well
Like, an episode of three to four days of fever
following which there is body pain, joints pain and all that
So in that case it might be a dengue fever or malarial fever
Malarial fevers generally present with fever with chills and all that
which occurs every two days
If a fever is not subsiding for three days then have to generally contact a physician
Fever is generally due to an infectious cause and an non infectious cause
The most common are infectious cause
Infectious fevers again the causes are multiple
Like bacterial infections are more common and viral fevers are more common
There are fungal infections, there will be parasitic infections as well
Like Malaria, Helmentia
Non infectious causes of fever are also plenty
All the cancers like Lymphoma, Leukemia, they present with persistent fevers running for long days
Drugs like Atropine can cause fever
In heat stroke too the patient might have a fever
which is a non infectious cause
So the reasons for fever are plenty
So we have to find out what are the causes of fever
for that you need to consult a physician
You cannot prevent most of the fevers
Few fevers like malaria and dengue, vector borne fevers can be controlled by effectively maintaining the hygiene around the environment
Cover19 disease, in which individual hygiene matters a lot
Maintaining hygiene of your hands, maintaining social distancing
and using masks in crowded places.
If the patient has fever with flu
I request them to just isolate themselves to a single room
And if the patient has any other symptoms aggravating like
high grade of fever is still persistent
or breathing difficulty or something like that is there
for that you need to consult a physician
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