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Vaping / E-Cigarette Lung Failure, Illness, Disease Outbreak

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Please see our most recent update to vaping associated lung injury (on Vitamin E Acetate and the CDC update) here:

Vaping & E-Cigarette related illnesses & deaths have gathered significant media attention. Join Dr. Seheult of as he illustrates key points about vaping and E cigarette-related acute pulmonary illness & disease symptoms, diagnosis, CXR, and CT scan findings that we understand at this time. More information and studies are needed as vaping deaths and hospitalizations in 2019 continue to rise (some are calling it a “vaping epidemic”). See the second video in this series on the treatment of vaping associated pulmonary injury:

See our updated video on vaping associated lung injury here (on Vitamin E Acetate and the CDC update): (November 19, 2019)

Links to articles from the New England Journal of Medicine referenced in this video:

Pulmonary Illness Related to E-Cigarette Use in Illinois and Wisconsin — Preliminary Report:

Vaping-Induced Lung Injury:

Instructor: Roger Seheult, MD
Co-Founder of
Clinical and Exam Preparation Instructor
Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine.

Visit for top-rated medical videos, over 30 hours of category 1 CME and CE, and over 100 free lectures.

MedCram: Medical education topics explained clearly including: Respiratory lectures such as Asthma, COPD, and vape / E cigarette related lung disease. Renal lectures on Acute Renal Failure and Adrenal Gland. Internal medicine videos on Oxygen Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve and Medical Acid Base. A growing library on critical care topics such as Shock, Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA), and Mechanical Ventilation. Cardiology videos on Hypertension, ECG / EKG Interpretation, and heart failure. VQ Mismatch and Hyponatremia lectures have been popular among medical students and physicians. The Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs) videos and Ventilator-associated pneumonia bundles and lectures have been particularly popular with RTs. NPs and PAs have given great feedback on Pneumonia Treatment and Liver Function Tests among many others. Dr. Jacquet teaches our FAST exam tutorial & bedside ultrasound courses. Many nursing students have found the Asthma and shock lectures very helpful. We’re starting a new course series on clinical ultrasound/ultrasound medical imaging.

Recommended Audience – Medical professionals and medical students: including physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, respiratory therapists, EMT and paramedics, and many others. Review and test prep for USMLE, MCAT, PANCE, NCLEX, NAPLEX, NBDE, RN, RT, MD, DO, PA, NP school and board examinations.

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Produced by Kyle Allred PA-C

Please note: MedCram medical videos, medical lectures, medical illustrations, and medical animations are for medical education and exam preparation purposes, and not intended to replace recommendations by your doctor or health care provider.

#Vaping #ECigarettes #vapingdeaths
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Treatment of acute vaping related pulmonary injury & failure is discussed by pulmonologist & critical care specialist Dr. Seheult of This video includes:
0:04 Symptoms and possible diagnosis of pulmonary illness related to vaping / E-cigarette use.

0:46 The difference between probable and confirmed cases of vape related illness amidst the outbreak of severe pulmonary disease linked with e-cigarettes.

0:49 Attempting to rule out a pulmonary infection with laboratory data.

1:30 Leukocytosis / WBC elevation may complicate the clinical picture of acute vaping disease.

2:42 Treatment for acute respiratory illness related to vaping / electronic cigarette use.

2:49 The problem of currently no randomized controlled trials or official guidelines for acute lung disease from vaping.

3:47 The role of mechanical ventilation in e-cigarette related respiratory failure.

4:50 The consideration to use high dose steroids in treating patients with confirmed vaping-induced lung injury.

5:58 Considerations with antibiotic use with vaping associated pulmonary injury (VAPI).

Links to articles from the New England Journal of Medicine referenced in this video:

Pulmonary Illness Related to E-Cigarette Use in Illinois and Wisconsin — Preliminary Report:

Please see the first video that Dr. Seheult recorded about the symptoms (including CXR) of vaping:

Instructor: Roger Seheult, MD
Co-Founder of
Clinical and Exam Preparation Instructor
Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine.

Visit for top-rated medical videos, over 30 hours of category 1 CME and CE, and over 100 free lectures.

MedCram: Medical education topics explained clearly including: Respiratory lectures such as Asthma, COPD, and vaping associated pulmonary injury (VAPI), the background on vaping related illness epidemic and vaping deaths 2019. Renal lectures on Acute Renal Failure and Adrenal Gland. Internal medicine videos on Oxygen Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve and Medical Acid Base. A growing library on critical care topics such as Shock, Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA), and Mechanical Ventilation. Cardiology videos on Hypertension, ECG / EKG Interpretation, and heart failure. VQ Mismatch and Hyponatremia lectures have been popular among medical students and physicians. The Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs) videos and Ventilator-associated pneumonia bundles and lectures have been particularly popular with RTs. NPs and PAs have given great feedback on Pneumonia Treatment and Liver Function Tests among many others. Dr. Jacquet teaches our FAST exam tutorial & bedside ultrasound courses. Many nursing students have found the Asthma and shock lectures very helpful. We’re starting a new course series on clinical ultrasound/ultrasound medical imaging.

Recommended Audience – Medical professionals and medical students: including physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, respiratory therapists, EMT and paramedics, and many others. Review and test prep for USMLE, MCAT, PANCE, NCLEX, NAPLEX, NBDE, RN, RT, MD, DO, PA, NP school and board examinations.

More from medical lectures:


Subscribe to the official YouTube Channel:

Produced by Kyle Allred PA-C

Please note: MedCram medical videos, medical lectures, medical illustrations, and medical animations are for medical education and exam preparation purposes, and not intended to replace recommendations by your doctor or health care provider.

#Vaping #ECigarette #LungInjury
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Best Story | Caring of Family | Everyone Must Watch This

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Best Story | Caring of Family | Everyone Must Watch This

Caring of Family | Everyone Must Watch This

Credit: Grannd Mills

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Exercising with an arthritic knee can be a challenge, but it’s important to keep moving to maintain flexibility and strength. HSS orthopedic surgeon Geoffrey Westrich has ideas for exercises to do that can help ease pain and keep you active.

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Public Pools: Microbial Contaminants & Recreational Water Illness (RWI)

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Since 1978, the incidence of recreational water illness (RWI) outbreaks of acute gastrointestinal illness has substantially increased. In 2013, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report that found fecal matter in 58% of public swimming pools. The study looked at 161 samples from pool filter concentrates.

The study detected E. coli in over 50% of the pool samples, indicating that swimmers frequently introduced fecal material into pools. This could mean that pathogens can be transmitted to others through the use of these pools and recreational water activities.

Although the study found E. coli at higher rates in municipal pools, pools that required a membership or were located within a club still tested positive 49% of the time.

Some of the organisms detected in the study included:
• Pseudomonas aeruginosa
• E. coli
• Giardia intestinalis
• Cryptosporidium

Contrary to popular belief, chlorine does not kill all germs instantly. There are germs today that are very tolerant to chlorine and were not known to cause human disease until recently. Once these germs get in the pool, it can take anywhere from minutes to days for chlorine to kill them.

Recreational water illnesses are caused by germs spread by swallowing, breathing in mists or aerosols of, or having contact with contaminated water in swimming pools, hot tubs, water parks, water play areas, interactive fountains, lakes, rivers, or oceans. Recreational water illnesses can also be caused by chemicals in the water or chemicals that evaporate from the water and cause indoor air quality problems.

These are just a few things to know about microbial contaminants and recreational water illnesses, to learn more about this other health and safety or environmental and indoor air quality issues, please visit the websites shown on the screen.
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A Patient Describes Her ME/CFS Symptoms – Davenport, Stevens, & VanNess | MedBridge

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Read related article: “Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: What’s in a Name?”

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: What’s in a Name?

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Don’t Delay Treatment for Joint Pain

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At Mass General, we know that staying active is important especially during COVID-19 so it’s important to address knee, hip or shoulder pain. In this video, Dr. Miho Tanaka shares the importance of taking care of joint pain, so you can stay active during this time. The health and safety of our patients is our highest concern.
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A patient’s journey of recovery from Functional Neurological Disorder at Mass General Hospital

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Featuring Dr. David Perez, MD, MMsc, FND Clinic Director at Mass General and patient Kyla Madonna Kenney.

GNW – what is the relationship between fever and heart rate?

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GNW – what is the relationship between fever and heart rate?
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Joints: Crash Course A&P #20

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We continue our look at your bones and skeletal system, skipping over the silly kid’s song in favor of a more detailed look at your axial and appendicular skeleton. This episode also talks about the structural and functional classifications of your joints and the major types of body movement that they facilitate.

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Table of Contents
Basic Structure of Your Skeletal System 1:50
Axial and the Appendicular Skeleton 2:02
Structural and Functional Classifications of Joints 3:41
Major Types of Body Movement 6:02


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To gild refined gold is just silly

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Still holding out! we’re gonna make it through.


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met and seen some of the bring it cast!!!
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Why Is My Body Temperature 37 Degrees?

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Your body is really good at keeping its temperature at around 37° C, but have you ever wondered why?

Hosted by: Michael Aranda
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This video explains what temperature is. It describes about heat energy and temperature. It explains how to measure temperature and about different thermometer.

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