Hepatitis B infection globally is one of the most important medical infection that human beings face. Nearly 350 million people live with chronic hepatitis B i.e. in their blood or liver there is infection and this virus is multiplying in their body. Sometimes they know that it is there and many times they are unaware of being infected with hepatitis B. Vaccination against hepatitis B is one of the most effective way to prevent getting hepatitis B breaking the cycle of transmission. Typically the hepatitis B vaccine is given in three doses. If a teenager receives two doses and these are appropriately timed and a part of routine vaccination series I do not expect any untoward incident. As with any medicine or vaccine a very small proportion of patients receiving the vaccine may have a reaction. Most of these tend to be very mild. In some cases it will be a little more serious. If you are experiencing any symptoms after receiving the vaccine seek the help of a family medicine doctor. Majority of people won’t get any untoward incident. It is a very safe vaccine.
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CBS News Investigative Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson spoke with Dr. Andrew Wakefield about a recent study comparing the developmental differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated animals.

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