Feel free to reach out to me on Instagram Thank you so much for watching!

If you’d like to reach out, contact me through my website at www.TorieBrame.com or on Instagram @toriebrame.

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Silk & Sonder Returns!  Chronic Illness Journal

I’m finally back in a planner/journal! And I love these little monthly journals, just the right size and guided activities that help track symptoms for my chronic illnesses.

Booth #60 at Marketplace 3301, 3301 1st Ave N., in Billings, Montana https://www.marketplace3301.com/

Discount Codes and Product Links – please see my latest video for updated links as these can change. These contain affiliate and referral links. So we both win!

Lifestyle Links
Myabetic 15% off your Myabetic order with code: JULIE15 (affiliate link)
Sugar Medical – 10% off Diabetic cases & accessories https://sugarmedical.com/?ref=o8ku7u5j2j
23andMe DNA Testing 10% off: https://refer.23andme.com/s/buffalojulie
HP Instant Ink Program: http://try.hpinstantink.com/53yqrg

Planner Links
Silk & Sonder Sign up here: http://rwrd.io/9l2rjbp?c
Shop here: https://shareasale.com/u.cfm?d=781846&m=93424&u=1635438&afftrack=
Pipsticks Stickers https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=827689&u=1635438&m=63829&urllink=&afftrack=
Happy Planner off first order of or more with this link: http://rwrd.io/9s9yn35?c
Erin Condren https://www.erincondren.com/referral/invite/julienorman/1

Julie Norman
PO Box 15
Molt, MT 59057
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